Adaptive Family Camp

In 2023, nearly 40 participants—20 loved ones along with 20 parents, caregivers, and siblings—joined our Adaptive Family Camp in Buena Vista, Colo., for horseback riding, gentle hikes, cooking classes, respite care, and new friends. This rejuvenating experience supports the whole family—loved ones and their parents and caregivers. CherishAbility partners with Adventure Unlimited’s 100 Elk Outdoor Center to create an experience where participants engage at their own pace, receive individualized care, and feel cherished.

My daughter, who is very resistant to camp and being outside her comfort zone did new things many times a day every day of the week! ~Parent

For our family, it was the most inspiring Adaptive Family Camp yet. My daughter was more receptive to being involved with others, extending her friendship, and making her positive desires known. She initiated several walks at camp and in Leadville, where we walked the town at her request for nearly three hours—a record amount for her. There were many micro moments of growth and progress, joy, and unfoldment of good in getting to know some very fascinating folks.” ~Parent

Vocational Training

CherishAbility expanded the Vocational Training Program in 2023, hiring seven trainees to work with our caring job coaches and support staff as Lodge and Facilities Crews. Participants learned job-readiness skills, and developed friendships and life-skills during chaperoned off-hours. Most importantly, they grew in their understanding of Christian Science and experienced the uplift that prayer brings to all areas of their lives.

Since the Vocational Training program began in 2021,  one-third of the participants have returned home to get jobs using the skills learned in this program. Others are expressing new levels of responsibility and agency in contributing to their communities. Parents report that their loved ones show increased initiative, independence, and confidence when it comes to helping with household responsibilities.

“We were so happy our son had the opportunity to participate in CherishAbility’s Vocational Training Program, as we felt he really accomplished a lot … not just work-wise, but in being away from home and having to advocate for himself and to express more independence. We are also most grateful that Christian Science is part of the ‘every day’ of this work program. That sets this program apart from any other work program our son has done. ~Parent

Loved One Gatherings

Making new Christian Science friends can be challenging—but CherishAbility Loved One Gatherings are changing all that!

In 2023, 30 loved ones joined our monthly gatherings, enjoying fun activities, friendship, and exploration of the Bible and Christian Science, co-facilitated with staff from Christian Science camps and organizations. Because of these monthly gatherings, CherishAbility loved ones are nurturing friendships with other Christian Scientists—and are getting to experience Christian Science camps and organizations in a way that is accessible for them. 

“I just wanted to let you know how wonderful the Loved One Gathering was last week. Amazing, fun, prayerful and healing. ~Parent

“It was such a joy to participate in this month’s Loved One Gathering. You bring out the best in all of us and it makes it quite easy to collaborate with CherishAbility and your participants.~Camp Bow-Isle staff member

CherishAbility l 555 S.E. MLK Blvd. l Suite 105 #6508 l Portland, OR 97214 l 503.583.6743 l