Our History
CherishAbility is a 501(c)(3) organization that has supported Christian Scientists with developmental special needs and their families for nearly 40 years.
Here’s how we grew!
CherishAbility—previously known as Rainbow Valley Resource Network (RVRN)—originated in 1984 as a residential facility in Hadley, NY. Operating as a working farm and learning center called Rainbow Valley Ranch, the three founders, Doug and June Dickinson and their close friend and colleague, Joy Parker, dedicated their lives to providing a healing atmosphere for Christian Scientists labeled in society as “developmentally disabled.”
The ranch closed in 2004, and the organization’s community of board members and caregivers continued delivering spiritually enriching activities and financial support to the original Ranch residents.
A network extends our reach
In 2015, desiring to extend this care and support to Christian Science families nationwide who were caring for loved ones with special needs, our mission expanded and we became Rainbow Valley Resource Network. Since that time, our network has grown to embrace families from Hawaii to Florida. We have created innovative new programs tailored to families and individuals of all ages, offering year-round opportunities for fun, inspiration, connection, and healing.
Reflecting our mission more fully
In early 2023, we realized that with all our growth … we’d actually outgrown our name! We saw we needed a forever name that expresses who we are today, while conveying the spiritual purpose of our mission that began 40 years ago. After months of joyful listening, we found our new name: CherishAbility. It’s a call to action; it describes how we operate; it conveys our focus on spiritual wholeness. Indeed, in everything we do—from vocational training and enrichment programs to community support and financial assistance—we cherish the spiritual perfection and God-given ability in every participant. We honor their practical needs, and we love developing experiential programs where they can demonstrate their freedom and dominion. Our new name, in fact, describes what we’ve been doing all along, and positions CherishAbility to grow and serve more families, in more ways, long into the future!
Our inspired mission remains the same: to build a compassionate sense of community and support for Christian Scientists with developmental special needs and their families by providing experiential enrichment programs, informational and inspirational resources, and financial assistance.
“Forever Father-Mother,
Your children everywhere
Are cherished in Your loving,
Your kind, Your perfect care.
All-knowing and all-seeing,
All-powerful, divine—
I know Your ever-presence
Is healing humankind.”
(Christian Science Hymnal, No. 541)
We are grateful for the many supporters whose generosity has enabled us to expand services to this overlooked community. And we look forward to sharing more about our exciting journey ahead. Together, we are changing lives. Thank you for being part of the CherishAbility family!