Adaptive Youth Camp

Camp can be for everyone!

CherishAbility partners with CedarS Camps to offer a unique experience for school-aged children with special needs.

Summer 2025 registration is OPEN—click here.

Questions? Please contact the CherishAbility Program Director by email or call 480.875.6958.

CedarS Camps was an incredible experience, and you made it all possible. Thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout the whole time. You helped me feel safe and secure, which allowed me to fully enjoy all the activities and make new friends.”

— CherishAbility camper

2023 & 2024 Adaptive Youth Camp Photos

CherishAbility Campership Fund

Many of us have special memories from attending summer camp—making friends, enjoying the outdoors, and growing spiritually. For loved ones with special needs, CherishAbility offers a very special family camp experience. Each fall we gather at the A/U Ranches' 100 Elk Outdoor Center in Buena Vista, Colorado for a tailored camp experience. You can help send a loved one to camp by funding a Loved One Campership.